Northern Great Plains Landscapes and Activities

Missouri Coteau

Missouri Coteau in Saskatchewan. The Missouri Coteau is a distinctive landscape feature on the Northern Great Plains, and many conservation activities are focused on this area because of high biodiversity. This photo of the Northern Mixed Prairie was taken in the Moist Mixed Grassland Ecoregion in south-central Saskatchewan. Soils are predominately loamy texture and depending on landscape position, plant communities are dominated by northern wheatgrass (Agropyron dasystachyum), western porcupine grass (Stipa curtiseta), or plains rough fescue (Festuca hallii).  —Photo by James Romo

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Northern Mixed Prairie in Saskatchewan

This photo of the Northern Mixed Prairie was taken on the Missouri Coteau in the Moist Mixed Grassland Ecoregion in south-central Saskatchewan. Soils are predominantly sandy or sandy loam to loamy in texture with plant communities dominated by needle-and-thread (Stipa comata), western porcupine grass (Stipa curtiseta), northern wheatgrass (Agropyron dasystachyum), or plains rough fescue (Festuca hallii). —Photo by James Romo